Carolina Harmony Trail

This first completed phase of the Carolina Harmony Trail is an asphalt path more than 0.5 miles long on a level corridor that was formerly a railroad. The trail, buffered by hardwood trees, features split-rail fencing, pedestrian lighting, and a roadway underpass.
Trail Uses
Accessible Experience Walking / hiking / running Paved surface biking
Shelby (NC)
0.60 miles, One Way
Motorized Vehicles
Not Permitted
Permitted on leash
Parking Spaces
On-street parking throughout downtown. Four spaces at Ford Street access, mid-way.


The trail offers a pleasant and easy stroll along a well-lit corridor. Benches are spaced along the route, including at the lovely, landscaped trailhead at W. Marion Street. A neighborhood access point is located at the west end of Ford Street. The trail is a fantastic amenity for Shelby's already charming downtown. Trail users can enjoy local businesses' offerings before or after a trail visit.

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Top Trails For Birding
Top Trails For Birding
Are you one of the many Carolinians who keep a bird feeder because you like to watch your backyard birds during the winter? Perhaps you just enjoying hearing or seeing birds when you go out for your daily walk. You may not know it, but those simple bird observations can help scientists better understand bird populations here in the Carolinas and globally.
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Trail Tips

Ride Safe
When biking, wear a helmet and use a bell to signal your approach to other trail users. Consider bringing a spare tube and pump so that you can fix a flat tire and offer help to other cyclists in need. When riding on roads, bike in the same direction as traffic.

Trailhead Information

Trailhead location: At the corner of W. Marion St. and N. Morgan St. On-street parking is located along Marion St. and throughout downtown. MAP

Other access: At the end of the 400 block of Ford St, about four parking spaces are provided. MAP

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