Landsford Canal Trail

The Landsford Canal Trail is located within the Lansford Canal State Park and follows the Catawba River for 1.5 miles. The largest known stand of rocky shoal spider lilies grow along this section of the Catawba River. 
Trail Uses
Walking / hiking / running
1.50 miles, One Way
Gravel/Crushed stone, Boardwalk
Motorized Vehicles
Not Permitted
Permitted on leash
Parking Spaces
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


The Landsford Canal State Park's Canal Trail is a 1.5-mile gravel trail portion is designated as Carolina Thread Trail. The trail traces the Catawba River. Additional trails can be accessed from the Nature Trail. Maps along the route provide information about each trail. 

The Landsford Canal State Park is home to the largest known population of rocky shoals spider lilies. These flowers are listed as a national species of concern and are on the endangered species list in Georgia. The rocky shoals spider lilly is named for its preferred habitat, the rocky outcroppings along riverbanks, and the plants produce fragrant white blooms in May and June. Because most of the trail is within 10 feet of the water, trail visitors will be delighted by spectacular views of the lilies and river fauna. The best place to view lilies is from the observation deck located at the end of the trail. 

Other Information

See Landsford Canal State Park Website for additional information concerning fees and rules.

Trail Manager

Visit the Landsford Canal State Park website for more information and printable map or contact:

Landsford Canal State Park
2051 Park Drive
Catawba, SC 29704
View website
South Carolina State Park
1205 Pendleton St.
Columbia, SC 29201
View website

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Our Top 10 Adventures on the Thread Trail
Our Top 10 Adventures on the Thread Trail
Summer is a great time to get outside, whether that’s paddling on the water, hiking a trail or cruising on a greenway.
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Trail Tips

Pace Yourself
Plan to exercise for short time or distance, at a comfortable pace. As you become more active, you can gradually increase your output and notice your endurance as it improves.
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View Connector Trails
Catawba River Blueway - Lake Norman Section
Catawba River Blueway - Lake Wylie Dam to Landsford Canal State Park
Catawba River Blueway - Lake Wylie Section
Catawba River Blueway - Mountain Island Lake Section

Trailhead Information

Parking Address: 2051 Park Drive in Catawba, SC 29704. MAP

Trailhead Location: MAP

Additional Directions: Paid parking is available at the end of Park drive off of Landsford Road.

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Please Log In or Create Account to add comments.
December 14, 2021
Hi Christopher,

Thank you so much for your comment. We appreciate you noting the location of the fall-line. If we have noted that on our website in error, we apologize and will remove it.

-CTT Team
December 13, 2021
Landsford Canal & The Catawba are NOT on the Fall Line. You can not argue with my proof. If you want it, ask

I, my Cartographer & 2 geologists told them. Needless to say they were not too happy

Christopher Baldwin
Catawba & Sandhills Master Naturalist
Hang Tight!
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